Tag Archives: Thomas Mann

Review: Beautiful Creatures (2013)

via wikipedia

via wikipedia

I did not have high expectations prior to seeing this film. I just actually heard about its film adaptation this year, but I’ve been seeing the book of the same name since about a year ago, and I’ve had no clues about it at all. It turns out, though, that the film is highly entertaining and very different from what people have been saying about it being the next Twilight.

Beautiful Creatures is centered on Lena (Alice Englert), a teenage caster (witch) who is about to choose between good and evil once she turns 16. She transferred to a new high school from a town her ancestors founded and met the charismatic Ethan White (Alden Ehrenreich), who immediately fell for her, and her dilemma about being claimed and falling for the young boy complicates the whole thing.

As far as the story goes, I thought it lacked originality but nevertheless presented a very unique approach to its execution. The leading actors, for one, are just magnificent on screen. Ehrenreich and Englert are both natural, and you’d care for their characters if this movie had a franchise. The rawness and subtlety of their acting deviate from Twilight and the like. Jeremy Irons, Emma Thompson, Emmy Rossum, and Viola Davis gave the two newbies excellent support, which I have to give to the producer for putting up an excellent cast. In addition, the soundtrack and scoring are just divine!

Overall, the film injects such charisma into its characters that you’d actually ask for more of it. The commitment of the two leading actors may have been overshadowed by the film’s mediocrity, but the mere essence of their love is there—Lena and Ethan are indeed beautiful creatures.

Rating: 8.5 / 10 

Director: Richard LaGravenese

Starring: Alden Ehrenreich, Alice Englert, Jeremy Irons, Viola Davis, Emmy Rossum, Thomas Mann, Emma Thompson

@Ali Mall, Feb 22, 2013 LFS – 190