Tag Archives: Olivia Wilde

Review: Her (2013)

Her2013PosterHer without a doubt should be considered as a frontrunner for Best Original Screenplay for the Oscars. Its premise of falling inlove with a machine (an operating system) was a reminiscent and was very much like the obsession of Al Pacino’s character to SimoneThis film however took a direction very different from the latter. The year was 2025 and Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix), someone who writes under a company named beautifulhandwrittenletters. Theodore was in the brink of divorce with his wife Catherine (Rooney Mara) and was desperately in need of company until he met the OS which he named Samantha. Together, they talked about love and life with Theodore seeking love advise from Samantha (Scarlett Johansson) which eventually led to them falling in love with each other.

Now this seemed to be a bit out of order, yes? But you gotta remember that it’s the year 2025 and falling in love is yes – that simple. Funny thing is, since Sam’s a microchip the two cannot have sex – an indication that the relationship to work in the long run is impossible and there can’t be no physical human connection that could transpire.

I thought Joaquin Phoenix portrayal was very commendable for there was a feel of longing and sadness in his approach which so become him

The premise may not seemed original at all but it’s charming and has character. Director Spike Jonze delivered a passive yet arresting sequences of events that is both endearing and unique.

Director: Spike Jonze
Starring: Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, Rooney Mara, Olivia Wilde, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Pratt, Matt Letscher, Sam Jaeger, Luka Jones, Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader, Spike Jonze, Portia Doubleday, Soko, Brian Cox

Rating: 8/10

*Her  received five Academy Award nominations, including the Best Picture category.

Review: In Time (2011)

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via wikipedia

In Time takes place in a future, where the usual currency is now replaced with time. People stop aging once they turned 25 and would have to pay for hours and days in order to continue living. The rich can live for as long as they want while the poor live day to day or just die trying.

Will Salas played by Justin Timberlake is one of the ghetto-dwelling workers, who have to work to extend his time. The “Timekeepers” accused him of murder when a wealthy stranger was found dead and he became a hundred- years richer that led to his hunt.

There are a lot of “what if” and “what the heck” scenario in the film. It felt a bit amateurish for me like an inexpensive student production. There are many things happening in the film that didn’t quite connect at all and a lot of unnecessary characters.

The only good and memorable scene I could think of was probably the time Will’s Mother played by Olivia Wilde got timed out on her 50th birthday. From there forward, the film didn’t quite build up.

Sylvia Weis played by Amanda Seyfried, the young daughter of a rich time broker became the rebellious partner of Will in his conquest to distribute time ala Robin Hood style and aimed to change the world as it is in the film. It was a bit corny and all they do in the film was to run from the timekeepers that it doesn’t take too long to notice that the film has become unbearably boring.

Alex Pettyfer was a big letdown in the film. I was actually expecting a lot from his character but all I’ve got was blah. I’m not even sure why he’s there in the first place and I simply don’t know why there is a need to waste a good twenty minutes for his scenes. I did get it at the end though that he’s actually a corrupt timekeeper but seriously, his character was totally unnecessary.

Cillian Murphy, who played the head timekeeper and Vincent Kartheiser who played the father of Sylvia were interesting to say the least.

Lastly, I have to admit that one thing I like about the film was the concept but I’m not too keen with its execution. It lacks the energy, the inspiration and the lines to let your precious hours be wasted by it. I will recommend it to the fans of its actors and see it for yourself; otherwise, I will suggest you wait for the DVD release of the film.
Rating: 4/10

This film review was first posted at Pinoy Exchange. Read all my film reviews at Pinoy Exchange Official PEx Movie Reviews.

Director: Andrew Niccol

Starring Amanda Seyfried, Justin Timberlake, Cillian Murphy, Olivia Wilde, Matt Bomer, Alex Pettyfer, Johnny Galecki, and Vincent Kartheiser

Review: Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

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via wikipedia

Cowboys and Aliens is based on the 2006 graphic novel by Scott Mitchell Rosenberg, which I haven’t read prior to watching this film. The movie starts with a stranger (Daniel Craig) who wakes up in the desert town of Absolution with no memory at all. The only clue to who he might be is a weird bracelet attached to his wrist. Colonel Dolarhyde (Harrison Ford) whose power is feared by the town’s people ran the town of Absolution.

At the night when the mysterious alien spaceships arrive in town and abduct most of its people one by one, the stranger whose name is Jake and is wanted for several crimes according to the town’s sheriff, discovers the use of his bracelet and collaborates with the cowboys to hunt the aliens and save those who were abducted.

I was thinking upon seeing the film’s trailer that it’d be a really interesting watch and something that would be a mash-up between Indiana Jones and James Bond boasting both actors who played each character. I was however a bit disappointed with the several loopholes presented in the film. Everything got mixed-up for me. First, the aliens’ objective to attack to accumulate gold lacks narrative (this is from someone who have not read the book.)

Ella’s scenes (Olivia Wilde) were a bit off because she would just pop out and it was distracting in the serious tone of the film. She always looks good and clean in the film’s dusty setting which kind of reminds me of Megan Fox in Transformers. Although her character is somewhat important because she knows stuff about Jake and the aliens, her dialogue didn’t give much information. Moreover, what exactly do the aliens want from Jake? They remind me of the prawns in District 9 but more grotesque and cartoon-like. Also, the scene which I’m just totally clueless about was the “light” the abductees are looking at. Exactly what is that? A hypnotism device of some sort?

Both Craig and Ford were actually okay and delivered most parts like how they should be delivered, it’s just that you will not feel for them because there’s no connection from them at all. I am not saying that it is a bad film. In general, it took me to that level where I’m expecting a lot of guns shooting and killing with the humans winning. I am just surprised with its mediocrity. The concept may be new to the ear but the scenes – I have seen them before.
Based on the graphic novel of Scott Mitchell Rosenberg
Director: John Favreau
Starring: Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, Olivia Wilde, Sam Rockwell, Paul Dano, Clancy Brown, Keith Carradine, Noah Ringer
Rating: 5/10
@ the Philippine Premiere of Cowboys And Aliens
SM Noth Edsa IMAX Cinema c/o Pinoy Exchange

This review was first posted at the Official PeX Movie Reviews at Pinoy Exchange.